Estimating the effective reproduction number in Belgium with the RKI method
Using the Robert Koch Institute method with serial interval of 4.
- Load libraries and data
- Robert Koch Institute method
- Interactive visualisation in Altair
- Making the final visualisation in Altair
Every day Bart Mesuere tweets a nice dashboard with current numbers about Covid-19 in Belgium. This was the tweet on Wednesday 20/11/04:
Gisteren waren er 877 nieuwe ziekenhuisopnames, een nieuw record na enkele betere dagen. Er liggen nu 7485 (+254) mensen in het ziekenhuis, waarvan 1351 (+49) op IC. Op zat. 31/10 waren er 5551 nieuwe bevestigde besmettingen, in de meeste provincies lijken we over de piek heen.
— Bart Mesuere (@BartMesuere) November 4, 2020
It's nice to see that the effective reproduction number ($Re(t)$) is again below one. That means the power of virus is declining and the number of infection will start to lower. This occured first on Tuesday 2020/11/3:
Gisteren waren er 596 nieuwe ziekenhuisopnames. Er liggen nu 7231 (+408) mensen in het ziekenhuis, waarvan 1302 (+79) op IC dit is meer dan tijdens de 1e golf. Op 30/10 waren er 14700 nieuwe bevestigde besmettingen. In Brussel en Brabant zien we ondertussen een duidelijke daling.
— Bart Mesuere (@BartMesuere) November 3, 2020
I estimated the $Re(t)$ earlier with model in this notebook. There the $Re(t)$ was still estimated to be above one. Michael Osthege replied with a simulation results with furter improved model:
Sneak preview of the results we got. @cast42 how do they compare with yours? Would love to see a contribution of your data loading routines to !
— Michael Osthege (@theCake) November 2, 2020
In that estimation, the $Re(t)$ was also not yet heading below one at the end of october.
In this notebook, we will implement a calculation based on the method of the Robert Koch Institute. The method is described and programmed in R in this blog post.
In that blogpost there's a link to a website with estimations for most places in the world The estimation for Belgium is here
According to that calculation, $Re(t)$ is already below zero for some days.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df_tests = pd.read_csv('', parse_dates=['DATE'])
df_cases = pd.read_csv('', parse_dates=['DATE'])
Reformat data into Rtlive format
df_cases_per_day = (df_cases
.groupby(['region', 'DATE'], as_index=False)
.agg(cases=('CASES', 'sum'))
.set_index(["region", "date"])
What's in our basetable:
Let's plot the number of cases in function of the time.
ax = df_cases_per_day.loc['Belgium'].plot(figsize=(18,6))
ax.set(ylabel='Number of cases', title='Number of cases for covid-19 and number of positives in Belgium');
We see that the last days are not yet complete. Let's cut off the last two days of reporting.
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
Calculate the date two days ago:, 11, 3)
# today_minus_two = + relativedelta(days=-2)
today_minus_two =, 11, 3) # Fix the day
Replot the cases:
ax = df_cases_per_day.loc['Belgium'][:today_minus_two].plot(figsize=(18,6))
ax.set(ylabel='Number of cases', title='Number of cases for covid-19 and number of positives in Belgium');
Select the Belgium region:
region = 'Belgium'
df = df_cases_per_day.loc[region][:today_minus_two]
Check the types of the columns:
Robert Koch Institute method
A basic method to calculate the effective reproduction number is described (among others) in this blogpost. I included the relevant paragraph:
In a recent report (an der Heiden and Hamouda 2020) the RKI described their method for computing R as part of the COVID-19 outbreak as follows (p. 13): For a constant generation time of 4 days, one obtains R as the ratio of new infections in two consecutive time periods each consisting of 4 days. Mathematically, this estimation could be formulated as part of a statistical model:
$$y_{s+4} | y_{s} \sim Po(R \cdot y_{s}), s= 1,2,3,4$$
where $y_{1}, \ldots, y_{4}$ are considered as fixed. From this we obtain
$$\hat{R}_{RKI} = \sum_{s=1}^{4} y_{s+4} / \sum_{s=1}^{4} y_{s}$$
Somewhat arbitrary, we denote by $Re(t)$ the above estimate for R when $s=1$ corresponds to time $t-8$, i.e. we assign the obtained value to the last of the 8 values used in the computation.
In Python, we define a lambda function that we apply on a rolling window. Since indexes start from zero, we calculate:
$$\hat{R}_{RKI} = \sum_{s=0}^{3} y_{s+4} / \sum_{s=0}^{3} y_{s}$$
rt = lambda y: np.sum(y[4:])/np.sum(y[:4])
The first values are Nan because the window is in the past. If we plot the result, it looks like this:
ax = df.rolling(8).apply(rt).plot(figsize=(16,4), label='Re(t)')
ax.set(ylabel='Re(t)', title='Effective reproduction number estimated with RKI method')
To avoid the spikes due to weekend reporting issue, I first applied a rolling mean on a window of 7 days:
ax = df.rolling(7).mean().rolling(8).apply(rt).plot(figsize=(16,4), label='Re(t)')
ax.set(ylabel='Re(t)', title='Effective reproduction number estimated with RKI method after rolling mean on window of 7 days')
import altair as alt
y=alt.Y('cases', title='Re(t)'),
tooltip=['date:T', alt.Tooltip('cases', format='.2f')]
).transform_filter( > alt.expr.toDate('2020-03-13')
title='Effective reproduction number in Belgium based on Robert-Koch Institute method'
df_plot = df.rolling(7).mean().rolling(8).apply(rt).fillna(0).reset_index()
last_value = str(df_plot.iloc[-1]['cases'].round(2)) + ' ↓'
first_value = str(df_plot[df_plot['date'] == '2020-10-21'].iloc[0]['cases'].round(2)) # + ' ↑'
today_minus_15 = + relativedelta(days=-15)
today_minus_15_str = today_minus_15.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
line = alt.Chart(df_plot).mark_line(point=True).encode(
x=alt.X('date:T', axis=alt.Axis(title='Datum', grid=False)),
y=alt.Y('cases', axis=alt.Axis(title='Re(t)', grid=False, labels=False, titlePadding=40)),
tooltip=['date:T', alt.Tooltip('cases', title='Re(t)', format='.2f')]
).transform_filter( > alt.expr.toDate(today_minus_15_str)
hline = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'cases': [1]})).mark_rule().encode(y='cases')
label_right = alt.Chart(df_plot).mark_text(
align='left', dx=5, dy=-10 , size=15
x=alt.X('max(date):T', title=None),
label_left = alt.Chart(df_plot).mark_text(
align='right', dx=-5, dy=-40, size=15
x=alt.X('min(date):T', title=None),
).transform_filter( > alt.expr.toDate(today_minus_15_str)
source = alt.Chart(
{"values": [{"text": "Data source: Sciensano"}]}
).mark_text(size=12, align='left', dx=-57).encode(
alt.vconcat(line + label_left + label_right + hline, source).configure(
stroke=None, # Remove box around graph
"text": ['Effective reproduction number for the last 14 days in Belgium'],
"subtitle": [f'Estimation based on the number of cases until {today_minus_two.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} after example of Robert Koch Institute with serial interval of 4'],
# .configure_axisY(
# labelPadding=50,
# )
To check the calculation, here are the last for values for the number of cases after applying the mean window of 7:
Those must be added together:
And here are the four values, starting four days ago:
These are added together:
And now we divide those two sums to get the $Re(t)$ of 2020-11-03:
This matches (as expected) the value in the graph. Let's compare with three other sources:
- Alas it does not match the calculation reported by Bart Mesuere on 2020-11-03 based on the RKI model that reports 0.96:
Gisteren waren er 596 nieuwe ziekenhuisopnames. Er liggen nu 7231 (+408) mensen in het ziekenhuis, waarvan 1302 (+79) op IC dit is meer dan tijdens de 1e golf. Op 30/10 waren er 14700 nieuwe bevestigde besmettingen. In Brussel en Brabant zien we ondertussen een duidelijke daling.
— Bart Mesuere (@BartMesuere) November 3, 2020 -
Also, the more elaborated model from rtliveglobal is not yet that optimistic. Mind that model rtlive start estimating the $Re(t)$ from the number of tests instead of the number of cases. It might be that other reporting delays are involved.
- is already below 1 since beginning of November.
Another possiblity is that I made somewhere a mistake. If you spot it, please let me know.