In the article "Bullet Charts - What Is It And How To Use It" I learned about Bullet charts. It's a specific kind of barchart that must convey the state of a measure or KPI. The goal is to see in a glance if the target is met. Here is an example bullet chart from the article:

# This causes issues to: 
# from IPython.display import Image
# Image('')

Example Bullet Chart

# <img src="" alt="Bullet chart" style="width: 200px;"/>

Below is some Python code that generates bullets graphs using the Altair library.

import altair as alt
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
    {"title":"Revenue","subtitle":"US$, in thousands","ranges":[150,225,300],"measures":[220,270],"markers":[250]},
    {"title":"Order Size","subtitle":"US$, average","ranges":[350,500,600],"measures":[100,320],"markers":[550]},
    {"title":"New Customers","subtitle":"count","ranges":[1400,2000,2500],"measures":[1000,1650],"markers":[2100]},
    {"title":"Satisfaction","subtitle":"out of 5","ranges":[3.5,4.25,5],"measures":[3.2,4.7],"markers":[4.4]}

    alt.Chart().mark_bar(color='#eee').encode(alt.X("ranges[2]:Q", scale=alt.Scale(nice=False), title=None)),
    alt.Chart().mark_bar(color='steelblue', size=10).encode(x='measures[0]:Q'),
    alt.Chart().mark_tick(color='black', size=12).encode(x='markers[0]:Q'),
    row=alt.Row("title:O", title='')